Prepaid Roaming Top-Up

You have many options to keep your mobile phone in credit while roaming: Top-up before you travel Call friends and family back home to top you up Top up online – Click here

Top Up when you’re roaming in the U.S., UK and Canada top up your bmobile prepaid account!

Visit one of the thousands of locations across the U.S. UK and Canada where bmobile International Top Up is sold.

USA: All Metro PCS, Money Gram, Wallgreens and CVS locations.

CANADA: Canada Post offices that are all over the country.

UK: Paypoint locations.

Roaming Plans & Prices

All plans here include FREE Incoming SMS and 1000 Outgoing SMS.

Roaming Voice Only 60Min

Valid for 14 Days


Plan Features
Outgoing Calls & Incoming Calls (mins)
Data MB

Roaming Voice Only 120Min

Valid for 14 Days


Plan Features
Outgoing Calls & Incoming Calls (mins)
Data MB

Roaming Voice Only 180Min

Valid for 14 Days


Plan Features
Outgoing Calls & Incoming Calls (mins)
Data MB

3 Days

Valid for 3 Days


Plan Features
Data GB
Incoming Calls (mins)

7 Days

Valid for 7 Days


Plan Features
Data GB
Incoming Calls (mins)

14 Days

Valid for 14 Days


Plan Features
Data GB
Incoming Calls (mins)

30 Days

Valid for 30 Days


Plan Features
Data GB
Incoming Calls (mins)

Roaming Combo Plan

Valid for 14 Days


Plan Features
Data GB
Incoming Calls (mins)
Outgoing Calls (mins)

Global Data Only

Valid for 14 Days


Plan Features
Data GB
Incoming Calls (mins)
Voice Only 1

Roaming Voice Only 60Min

Valid for 14 Days


Plan Features
Outgoing Calls & Incoming Calls (mins)
Data MB

Roaming Voice Only 120Min

Valid for 14 Days


Plan Features
Outgoing Calls & Incoming Calls (mins)
Data MB

Roaming Voice Only 180Min

Valid for 14 Days


Plan Features
Outgoing Calls & Incoming Calls (mins)
Data MB
Data Only2

3 Days

Valid for 3 Days


Plan Features
Data GB
Incoming Calls (mins)

7 Days

Valid for 7 Days


Plan Features
Data GB
Incoming Calls (mins)

14 Days

Valid for 14 Days


Plan Features
Data GB
Incoming Calls (mins)

30 Days

Valid for 30 Days


Plan Features
Data GB
Incoming Calls (mins)
Combo Plan2

Roaming Combo Plan

Valid for 14 Days


Plan Features
Data GB
Incoming Calls (mins)
Outgoing Calls (mins)
Postpaid Global Data Only3

Global Data Only

Valid for 14 Days


Plan Features
Data GB
Incoming Calls (mins)

1 Roaming Voice Only Add-Ons valid in the Caribbean, Canada, Guyana, UK and USA.

2 Data only and combo plans include these destinations: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curacao, St. Eustatius, Saba, St. Maarten, French St. Martin), Panama, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and The Grenadines, Turks and Caicos, United Kingdom and United States.

3 The Global Data Only plan includes all destinations from the Data Only and Combo plans and additionally: Belize, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Germany, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Suriname, Switzerland, Venezuela, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, South Africa, Spain

*Free incoming calls only applicable to Flow Caribbean Territories

Out of Bundle rates where applicable

Caribbean (Flow Territories) $2 / MB
US, UK $8 / MB
Other / Rest of World $94.50 / MB

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. What are bmobile Postpaid Data Roaming Add-Ons?

    bmobile Roaming Add-Ons allow customers to control their roaming charges while travelling abroad. Customers can take advantage of both Postpaid & Prepaid Roaming Add-Ons while roaming in the Caribbean, Caribbean, Bahamas, Canada, Guyana, Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curacao), Panama, UK, USA and selected destinations in Europe, Central/South America and Asia*

    bmobile offers:

    • Roaming Voice Only Add-Ons valid in the Caribbean, Canada, Guyana, UK and USA.
    • Roaming Data Only Add-Ons valid in the Caribbean, Bahamas, Canada, Guyana, Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curacao), Panama, UK, USA, and selected destinations in Europe, Central/South America and Asia.
    • Roaming Combo Add-Ons, which offer the customer, Voice, Data and SMS services while roaming, are valid in the Caribbean, Bahamas, Canada, Guyana, Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curacao), Panama, UK, USA
    • Postpaid Global Data only, which offers Belize, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Germany, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Suriname, Switzerland, Venezuela, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, South Africa, Spain
  • 2. What do Postpaid Roaming Add-Ons offer?
  • 4. How can a customer access the Postpaid Roaming Add-Ons?

    The Roaming Add-Ons can be added via the *123# menu. Select the option for Roaming Plans/Roaming Specials.

  • 3. Who can access/use the Postpaid Roaming Add-Ons?

    All customers with the Roaming service provisioned on their mobile number can access the Roaming Add-Ons.

  • 5. Will the Roaming Add-Ons work if the Roaming Service is not provisioned on my mobile number?

    No. The roaming service must be provisioned on a customer’s mobile number for the Add-Ons to work. Customers should verify that the service is active before purchasing the Postpaid Data Roaming Add-On and before travelling abroad. This can be done by dialing *100 from your mobile phone or visiting any bmobile Retail Store.

  • 6. What is the priority for in-package roaming bundles and the Roaming Add-Ons?

    Select bmobile Plans have in-package roaming bundles. The bmobile website can provide details of in-package roaming bundles. ( ).

    If a customer has purchased a Roaming Add-On, this will be depleted first and then the in-package bundle will be depleted, assuming that the in-package bundle is applicable to the roaming destination.

  • 7. Is confirmation received when the plan is purchased?

    Yes. Customers will receive a confirmation message upon purchase of the Add-On.

  • 8. How can the balance on the Postpaid Roaming Add-On be checked?

    Customers can check the balance on the add-on by dialing *123#. Select the option Query Balances.

  • 9. Will customers be notified if the Roaming Add-On has been used up?

    Customers will receive notifications when usage of the Add-On bundles is at 75%, 90% and 100%.

  • 10. What happens if the Roaming Voice Add-On is used up?

    If the Voice Roaming add-on is exhausted, roaming usage will begin to deplete any available in-package Voice Roaming bundle, assuming that the in-package bundle is applicable to the roaming destination. If the latter is fully depleted or the in-package roaming bundle is not valid in the roaming destination, out of bundle roaming rates applicable to Post and Pre-Paid Plans respectively will apply. Visit for details of these rates. Alternatively, a customer can choose to purchase the Add-On again.

  • 11. What happens if the Roaming Data Add-On is used up?

    If the Data Roaming add-on is exhausted, roaming usage will begin to deplete any available in-package Data Roaming bundle, assuming that the in-package bundle is applicable to the roaming destination. If the latter is fully depleted or the in-package roaming bundle is not valid in the roaming destination, out of bundle roaming rates applicable to Post and Pre-Paid Plans respectively will apply. Visit for details of these rates.

    Alternatively, a customer can choose to purchase the Add-On again.

  • 12. What happens if any component of the Roaming Combo Add-On is used up?

    The Roaming Combo Add-On comprises three (3) individual bundles:, one (1) Roaming Data Bundle, one (1) Roaming Voice Bundle, one (1) Roaming SMS Bundle. If the Data Roaming add-on is exhausted, data roaming usage will begin to deplete any
    available in-package Data Roaming bundle, assuming that the in-package bundle is applicable to the roaming destination. If the latter is fully depleted or the in-package roaming bundle is not valid in the roaming destination, out of bundle roaming rates applicable to Post and Pre-Paid Plans respectively will apply. The Roaming Voice and Roaming SMS components of the Combo
    Plan will be available for the customer to use.

    Upon exhaustion of the Roaming Data Component of the Combo Roaming Add-On, the customer is allowed to purchase an additional Combo Plan if the customer so chooses. If the Roaming Voice or Roaming SMS is exhausted before expiry of the Combo Add-on plan, Voice or SMS roaming usage will begin to deplete any available in-package Voice or SMS Roaming bundle, assuming that the in-package bundle is applicable to the roaming destination. If the latter are fully depleted or the in-package roaming bundle is not valid in the roaming destination, out of bundle roaming rates applicable to Post and Pre-Paid Plans respectively will apply.

    In this instance the customer will NOT be allowed to purchase a second similar Combo Add-On before expiry or before the exhaustion of the Roaming Data component of Combo Plan.

    Visit for details of these rates.

    Alternatively, a customer can choose to purchase the Add-On again.

  • 14. For which roaming partners are the Roaming Add-Ons valid?

    The Roaming Add-Ons are valid with the following partners in the following destinations:

    Bahamas BTC
    Caribbean * FLOW
    Canada Bell, Telus Mobility
    China Unicom
    Costa Rica Telefónica
    Dominican Republic Claro
    El Salvador Telefónica Moviles
    Ghana Vodafone
    Germany Telefónica, E-Plus
    Greece Vodafone
    Guatemala Telefónica Moviles
    Guyana GT&T
    Hong Kong Smartone
    Hungary Vodafone
    Ireland Vodafone
    Italy Vodafone
    Mexico PCS
    Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire & Curaçao) UTS (CHITTIE)
    Netherlands Vodafone
    Nicaragua Telefónica Celular
    Panama Telefónica Moviles, C&W
    Portugal Telefónica Moviles, C&W
    Romania Vodafone
    Spain Telefónica
    St. Maarten TelCell
    South Africa Vodacom
    Suriname TeleSur
    UK Vodafone
    USA/Canada AT&T, Bell, Telius Mobility
    Venezuela Telefónica

    *Caribbean destinations are limited to Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands,
    Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and The Grenadines, Turks & Caicos

  • 13. Can the Roaming Add-Ons be used with all devices?

    Yes, the Roaming add-ons can be used with all handsets/devices that allow data service including but not limited to Blackberry, Android and Apple devices.

No questions matching current filter

Roaming Data Settings

When You Land

So you’re off the plane! Power on your phone and check to see whether you are connected to a mobile network. If not, you may have to manually select a network.

To manually select a Network:

  1. Select Menu / Settings / Network Settings
  2. Select Manual
  3. Select Network (they will be displayed); e.g. AT&T, Vodafone, FLOW

VOLTE Advisory

Roaming Pay as You Go Rates

If you choose not to add a Roaming Bundle you’ll pay Pay as You Go rates.

Rates &

Keep in touch with friends and family around the world with our international long distance calling bundles . They’re a great way to manage your costs if you call abroad regularly.

Just dial *123# and select Option 2 to choose from bmobile International Minutes Add-ons.

Triple Fun



VAT $6.25


PRICE $110
VAT $13.75


PRICE $175
VAT $21.88

Island Lime

Barbados, Grenada,
Jamaica, St. Vincent,
BVI, Antigua, St. Lucia


VAT $9.38


PRICE $125
VAT $15.63


PRICE $175
VAT $21.88


Don’t have an international bundle? Select the country you’re calling to know how much you’ll pay per minute.

International Calls that terminate on mobile phones.

A surcharge of $1.00 per minute will be charged for calling a mobile phone (except USA and Canada).




