How do I make a Postpaid bill payment?

After logging in, follow these steps:
1. Select ‘Pay Bills’ on the Home Screen or from the Profile menu on the
top left corner.
2. Enter the Mobile number you wish to pay the bill for or select from the
contact list.
3. Select ‘Pay $xxx’ to pay the full bill or enter the amount you wish to pay
for ‘Partial Bill Payment’ and select ‘Proceed.’
4. Enter Credit or Debit Card Details. For stored cards only, please enter
your 3-digit CVV Code.
5. Select ‘Proceed.’
6. Review and Confirm the Bill Payment details, then select ‘ Confirm.’
7. You will receive immediate pop-up notifications of the success or failure
of every payment transaction and can review all payments made in the
Transaction History via the Home Screen.
8. You can choose to navigate to the Home Screen or make another