Purchase a Prepaid Top-up

Last modified: April 27, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I recharge my Prepaid mobile account?

    After logging in, follow these steps:
    1. Select ‘Recharge’ on the Home Screen or from the Profile menu on
    the top left corner.
    2. Enter the Mobile number you wish to recharge or select from the
    contact list.
    3. Enter the top-up amount or choose a pre-defined top-up value.
    4. Select ‘Proceed.’
    5. Enter Credit or Debit Card Details and select ‘Proceed.’
    6. Review transaction details and select ‘Confirm’.
    7. You will be notified of recharge status and can review all transactions
    made in the Transaction History via the Home Screen.
    8. You can choose to navigate to the Home Screen or recharge another

  • How will I know my top-up was successful?

    At the end of every top-up transaction, you will be notified with a pop-up message whether the Top-up was successful or a failure. In both instances, you can view your transaction history within the app.

  • What is the minimum and maximum amount that I can top-up via the app

    bmobileGo users can top-up with as little as $20 and a maximum of $500.

  • Is VAT included in my top-up amount?

    VAT is added to the top up, so if a bmobileGo user selects $20 Top-up, their bank card is charged $20 + VAT.

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