Password Management

Last modified: April 27, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I change my password?
    1. Click on the Profile Icon at the top left.
    2.  Select Change Password.
    3. Enter Current Password.
    4. Enter New Password.
    5. Confirm New Password, by entering again.
    6. Select Update.
  • What should I do if I forgot my password?

    1. Select forgot password.
    2. Enter mobile number you wish to reset.
    3. Select Continue.
    4. A One-time password (OTP) would be sent via SMS to the mobile
    number that requested the password.
    5. Enter the One-time password (OTP) and select Verify.
    6. Enter new password.
    7. Confirm New Password, by entering again.
    8. Select Submit.
    9. A pop-up message indicating that the password was successfully
    changed will be displayed.

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