Help and Support – Contact Us

Last modified: April 27, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I submit a support request via the app?

    Yes. You can submit a support request via the app by sending an email
    using the in-app form:
    1. Go to ‘Help and Support’ page.
    2. Select Email Us.

  • How do I delete my bmobileGo account?

    Before you uninstall the app:

    3. Go to ‘Help and Support’ page.
    4. Select Email Us.
    5. Select ‘General bmobile Query’.
    6. Select ‘Delete My App Account’.
    7. Enter a description to let us know why you want to delete
    your account.
    8. Select Submit.
    If you have already uninstalled your app:
    Send an email to the following email address: from the email address you signed up
    with the following:
    Subject: ‘Delete my bmobileGo App account’,
    Body of email: Enter a description to let us know why you want to
    delete your account. Please include the mobile phone number that
    you used when you signed up for the bmobileGo account.

  • How long will it take before my support requests are resolved?

    The bmobileGo support team will acknowledge your email and respond to you within 24-48 hours providing guidance on how your query will be resolved.

  • Do I need a data plan to use the app?

    No. The bmobileGo app is zero rated. This means customers do not require data plans or Wi-Fi to use the app.

  • What happens if I send a top-up to the wrong number?

    Submit an email support request:
    1. Go to ‘Help and Support’ page.
    2. Select Email Us.
    3. Select Prepaid.
    4. Select Sent Top up to Wrong number.
    5. Enter the number that it was sent to and any details that can
    be shared.
    6. Select Submit.

  • Is there an additional cost to use the app?

    No. There is no cost to our customers for using the app.

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